Dr. Ben Mollov
Dr. Ben Mollov is on the faculty of the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences and the Graduate Program in Conflict Management at Bar-Ilan University, and runs the university's Project for the Study of Religion, Culture and Peace. He specializes in conflict management from an intercultural perspective and the Jewish political tradition, on which he has written widely. He is the author of Power and Transcendence: Hans J. Morgenthau and the Jewish Experience (2001) and other articles such as "Culture, Dialogue and Perception Change in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" with Dr. Chaim Lavie, and "Federalism and Multiculturalism as a Vehicle for Perception Change in Israeli-Jewish Society" with Dr. Zev Kalifon, both of which appeared in The International Journal of Conflict Management. He has organized several international conferences at Bar-Ilan University in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and appeared as the sole Israeli speaker at the Global Peace Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2005, and appeared again for another guest lecture in Malaysia in 2008.
Higher Education
1976 B.A. (Cum Laude) Queens College, New York City
Major: Political Science; Minor: Jewish Studies.
1979 M.A. Columbia University, School of International Affairs.
June 1996 Ph.D. Department of Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
Dissertation: “The Jewish Aspect of the Life and Work of Hans
J. Morgenthau”.
Supervisors: Prof. Shmuel Sandler of the Department of
Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and Professor
Kenneth Thompson of the Miller Center for Public Affairs and
Department of Government at the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia.
1996 – present Faculty– Bar-Ilan University, Interdisciplinary Dept of Social
Sciences and Department of Political Science, Courses: “Seminar in Realism and International Relations”; “The Arab-Israeli Conflict”, “Conflict Resolution and Intercultural Communications”; and “Introduction to International Relations”.
2005-2006 Faculty -- Haredi College, under auspices of Bar-Ilan University,
Interdisciplinary Dept of Social Sciences, Course: “Conflict Resolution and Intercultural Communications”.
- Coordinator of Political Science Department – Ashkelon Regional College, and lecturer in International Relations.
1995-1996 Faculty - Safed Regional College; “Introduction to International
Relations”, and “Introduction to Political Thought”.
- Teaching Assistant - “Introduction to International Relations”, B.A.
Program, Department of Political Studies.
1993 - 2001 Faculty --“The Arab-Israeli Conflict”, Overseas One Year
Program, Department of Political Studies.
- Faculty -- “Journalism Workshop”. Overseas One Year Program
and Division of Public Communications and Journalism.
Special Academic Projects at Bar-Ilan University:
2010 - Prepared B.A. Academic Progam in Political Science and
Communications for Haredi College in Jerusalem, under auspices of Department of Political Science and Regional Colleges Administration at Bar-Ilan University
2008- Present Research Fellow, Project for the Study of Religion, Culture and Peace
under auspices of Department of Political Science. As Research Fellow responsible for directing and executing program development in areas relating to inter-religious and inter-cultural approaches to conflict management.
2009- Academic Organizer of international conference on Theme: “The
German-Jewish Heritage: A Basis for Conflict Management” January 13, 2009 in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
2008- Academic Organizer of conference on Theme: “Diversity within
Unity: A Federalist Vision Based on the Idea of ‘Brit’” in connection
with Rabin Memorial Day, November 11, 2008 in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
2008- Academic Organizer of Public Academic Forum on Theme: Making
Inter-religious Dialogue more Effective, June 24 in cooperation with
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
2007- Academic Organizer of International Workshop on
Intercivilizational Conflict Can it be Moderated? June 11-12 in
Cooperation with Burg/UNESCO Chair for Peace Education and
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
2007- Academic Organizer of special Malaysian Scholars Forum on issues
of Islam, Multiculturalism and Foreign Policy, June 10. Coordinated
academic visit of two visiting Malaysian scholars at request of Israeli
Foreign Ministry.
2006- Academic Organizer of Public Academic Forum on Theme-
Renewing a Sense of Social Partnership in Israeli Society: A Federalist Approach, June 13 in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
2005- Academic Organizer of International Conference on the
Legacy of the German-Jewish Religious and Cultural Heritage:
A Basis for German-Israeli Dialogue? June 1, 2005 in cooperation
with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
2003-present Academic Supervisor of M.A. non-thesis track in Conflict
Management, responsible for field work supervision of
graduate students.
- Academic Organizer of International Conference on Religion and Conflict Resolution, May 27-28, 2002 conducted in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
1994 - present Director and Initiator of Project for Arab-Jewish Dialogue Project,
under auspices of Program in Conflict Resolution, Dept. of
Political Studies.
1992-1995 Curriculum Writer and Project Coordinator for “Contemporary
Jewish-Israeli Issues Series” concerning values and public affairs,
Lookstein Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora.
1991-1994 Substantive Editing rendered for following academic works:
Efraim Inbar, Regional Security Regimes, State University of New York Press, 1994, ed. on behalf of BESA Center for Strategic Studies.
The State of Israel, The Land of Israel: Statist and Ethno-national State and Nations: Israeli Foreign Policy, Greenwood Press, 1993, by Shmuel Sandler.
Professional Experience in Publishing, Journalism and Research:
1989-1991 Publications Coordinator - Melton Centre for Jewish Education in the
Diaspora, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Administered entire
publication process for academic publications; Managing Editor for
Studies in Jewish Education, Volume V, which received National
Jewish Book Award.
1987-1989 Editor in Chief/Journalist - Israel Economist Monthly (Monthly),
Jerusalem. Overall executive and editorial responsibility along with
reporting and analysis of strategic, political and economic affairs; over
40 published articles.
1983-1987 Managing Editor - Morasha, Journal of Religious Zionism, New York,
Jerusalem. Responsible for: solicitation, evaluation, editing, publication
management, and writing of materials. Coordinated editorial board;
conceived and organized thought symposium on critical issues with
leading reading religious and academic figures.
1981-1982 Israel Defense Forces - as academic soldier carried out research and
administrative responsibilities. Maintained, compiled and supervised
data bank.
1980-1981 Research Assistant - Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel-Aviv
University. Developed and maintained newly created information unit
on Israel in US Foreign Defense Policy.
Additional Professional Experience:
1991-2001 Served as Liason Officer to UN and Foreign Peacekeeping Forces as part
of Reserve Duty in I.D.F. Liason Unit.
1985-1988 Group Facilitator and Teacher - Melitz Center for Jewish Zionist
Education; Kibbutz Yavneh, on contemporary Jewish issues.
1983-1985 Speaker on behalf of Israeli Consulate in New York City.
1979 Graduate Assistant - “The Middle East After Camp David”, coordinated
seminar with visiting Israeli experts and gave several lectures; Queens College,
New York.
1978 Research Intern-American Jewish Committee, Foreign Affairs Division, New York.
1976 Research Intern - New York State Legislature, District Council 37.
Hebrew: fluent speech, high level of reading and writing.
French: basic conversancy.
Arabic: basic conversation course.
Awards and Honors:
Rector’s Award for Special Excellence in Doctoral Progress, Bar-Ilan University, March 1995.
Review of Books in Periodicals:
“The Future of the Jews”, Jerusalem of International Relations, September 1991, Volume, 13, No. 3, pp. 96-98.
“The Impact of Gush Emunim: Politics and Settlement in the West Bank”, Forum, Summer 1986, Issue No. 59, pp. 122-124.
“Nuclear Proliferation: Breaking the Chain, “International Problems, Winter 1982, Volume XII, No. 4, pp. 54-55.
“Domestic Influences on Foreign Policy”, “International Problems, Fall 1980, Volume XX, Nos. 3-4, pp. 93-94.
Book Review Editor: Jewish Political Studies Review, 2002-2004. Responsible for evaluation, editing and solicitation of reviews of contemporary Jewish political studies literature.
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences:
-"Religion and Conflict Resolution: A Paradigm based on the German-Jewish Heritage" (with Prof. Ephraim Meir and Dr. Chaim Lavie) at Annual Conference of International Association for Conflict Management, July 3-6, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
-“Resources for Peacebuilding in the Jewish Political Tradition”, invited to present paper at International Symposium on Religions and World Peace, October 20-23, 2010, Onsabrueck, Germany.
- “An Integrated Paradigm for Inter-religious Conflict Management based on the the German-Jewish Heritage” at Annual Conference of Israel Association for International Studies, May 31, 2010, Western Galilee Regional College, Akko.
-“The Influence of the Jewish Experience on the Realism of Hans J. Morgenthau” in Panel on Religion and Realism in IR Theory at Annual Conference of International Studies Association, February 16-20, 2010, New Orleans, U.S.A.
-“An Integrated Strategy for Israeli-Palestinian Inter-religious Peacebuilding” at International Conference on Islam and Multiculturalism at Al-Qasemmi College, Baka al-Gharbiya, April 23, 2009.
-“Realism and Idealism emanating from the German-Jewish Heritage” (with Prof. Ephraim Meir) at International Conference on The German-Jewish Heritage: A Basis for Conflict Management, at Bar-Ilan University, January 13, 2009.
-“Morgenthau, Elazar, and Buber: A Preliminary Typology of Jewish Approaches to the ‘Other’ in the Jewish Political Tradition” at World Congress of Jewish Studies August 2- 6, 2009, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
-“The Impact of Jewish-Arab Educational and Work Encounters on Mutual Perceptions” (with Dr. Chaim Lavie) at International Conference on Walls: Antecedents and Consequences of Segregation and Integration, at Bar-Ilan University, January 12, 2009.
- “Can Educational Interventions Work to Promote Peace? A New Model for Intercommunal Relations in Israel” (with Dr. Zev Kalifon) at Annual Conference of The American Anthropological Association, November 19-22, 2008, San Francisco, California.
“Inter-religious Dialogue as a Paradigm for Conflict Management” at Israel Association for International Studies Annual Conference, May 4, 2008, Bar-Ilan University.
-“Approaches to Intercivilizational Dialogue: Judaic Perspectives” at International Conference on Global Sustainability, Jan.4-7, 2008, University of Terengganu, Malaysia.
-“Federalism as an Organizing Theme for Israeli Multicultural and Regional Dialogue” at World Mediation Forum, October 9-11, Jerusalem, Israel.
-“Between the ‘Melting Pot’ and a ‘State of all its Citizens’: An Applied Federalist-Multicultural Experiment” (with Dr. Zev Kalifon) at Annual Conference of Association for Israel Studies, June 11-13 2007, Open University of Israel.
-“Federalism, Multiculturalism and Intercultural Dialogue for Conflict Management in Israeli Society” at International Workshop on Intercivilizational Conflict: Can it be Moderated? June 12, 2007 at Bar-Ilan University.
-“The Impact of Jewish-Arab Encounters and the Discourse of the Holocaust on Mutual Perceptions” (with Dr. Chaim Lavie) at Annual Conference of International Association for Conflict Management, June 25-28, 2006, Montreal, Canada.
-“Results of Israeli and Palestinian Student Interactions in CMC: An Analysis of Attitude Changes Toward Conflicting Parties” at Annual Conference of International Communications Association (in Panel on Potential Uses of CMC for Generating Conciliatory Political Discourse organized by Researchers from Department of Communications New Mexico State University), June 19-23, 2006, Dresden, Germany.
-“Inter-religious Dialogue and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: An Empirical View” at International Conference on Bridging the Worlds of Judaism and Islam organized by the Department of Middle Eastern History, Dahan Center for the Sephardic Heritage, Bar-Ilan University and the Jewish Studies Program, San Franciso State University, January 3-4, 2006, at Bar-Ilan University.
-“Approaches to and the Impact of Israeli-Palestinian Inter-religious Dialogue”, invited as only Israeli at Global Peace Forum sponsored by Perdana Leadership Foundation, December 14-17, 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; addressed audience of over 1,000 Malaysian Moslems.
-“Daniel J. Elazar’s Approach to Federalism as Based on the Idea of ‘Brit’” at World Congress of Jewish Studies, July 31-August 4, 2005, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
-“The Tragedy of German-Jewish Liberalism and Political Realism” at International Conference on the Legacy of the German-Jewish Religious and Cultural Heritage:A Basis for German-Israeli Dialogue? June 1, 2005, at Bar-Ilan University.
-“Hard Power and Soft Power in Conflict Management: Towards an Integrated Paradigm” (Hebrew) at Annual Conference of Israel Association for International Studies, Bar-Ilan University, April 18, 2005.
-Religion, Narrative, and Conflict Resolution in the Arab-Israeli Conflict (in panel on Religion, Extremism and Interreligious Dialogue) at International Summit on Democracy, Terror and Security, March 8-11, 2005, Madrid, Spain. Invited as speaker by Club of Madrid.
--“Contact, Gender, and Arab-Jewish Inter-religious Dialogue” (with Dr. Chaim Lavie, Dr. Elana Cheshin, and Gal Springman) at Annual Conference of International Association for Conflict Management, June 6-9, 2004, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A..
“”The Impact of Arab-Jewish Inter-religious Dialogue on Attitudinal Moderation” paper presented at Invitation of Prague Society for NATO sponsored conference, January 25-27, 2004, Prague, Czech Republic.
-“Arab and Jewish Women’s Inter-Religious Dialogue Evaluated: An Advanced Report” (with Dr. Chaim Lavie) at UNESCO International Conference, December 1-3, 2003, at Bar-Ilan University.
-“Federalism and Multiculturalism as a Vehicle for Perception Change in Israeli Society”, (with Dr. Zev Kalifon and Prof. Gerald Steinberg) at Annual Conference of International Association for Conflict Management, June 15-18, 2003, Melbourne Australia.
-“Perceiving the Other in Israeli Society: A Multicultural-Narrative Approach”, (with
Dr. Zev Kalifon and Prof. Gerald Steinberg) at UNESCO Scientific Conference, June 15-18, 2003, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
-“Arab and Jewish Women’s Inter-Religious Dialogue Evaluated”, (with
Dr. Chaim Lavie) at UNESCO Scientific Conference, June 15-18, 2003, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
-“Power, Force and Transcendence: Hans J. Morgenthau and the Jewish Experience”, presented at special workshop: Faith and Foreign Policy The Jewish Tradition and American Foreign Policy, sponsored by Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs and The American Jewish Committee, March 6-7, 2003, New York City.
-“Micro and Macro Aspects of Israeli-Palestinian Intercultural Dialogue”, at International Conference on Religion and Conflict Resolution, May 28, 2002, at Bar-Ilan University.
-“The Impact of Israeli-Palestinian Intercultural Dialogue: Virtual and Face to Face” –an advanced report (with Dr. David Schwartz, Prof. Gerald Steinberg, and Dr. Chaim
Lavie,) at Annual Conference of International Association for Conflict Management, June 26, 2001, Cergy (Paris), France.
-“Culture, Dialogue and Perception Change in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, at Annual Conference of International Association for Conflict management,
(with Chaim Lavie), June 21, 1999, San Sebastian, Spain.
-“Interreligious Dialogue and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, at Seminar, Peace Studies Program, Notre Dame University, February 15, 1999.
-“Intercultural Dialogue and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Lessons of a Student Dialogue”, at Conference on Negotiation and Mediation under auspices of Program in Conflict Resolution of Department of Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University, May 4, 1998.“
-“Culture and Conflict Resolution: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, at International Conference on Federalism and Peace Making, Jerusalem, October 22, 1998.
-“Intercultural Dialogue and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict: Theory, Practice, and Conclusions”, (Hebrew) at Annual Convention of Israel Political Science Association, Jerusalem, June 4, 1998.
-“The Jewish Aspect of Hans J. Morgenthau” (Hebrew) at annual conference of Israel Political Science Association, Tel Aviv, May 16, 1996.
-“The Responsibility of the Academic Intellectual according to Hans. J. Morgenthau,” (Hebrew) at conference of Israel Academic Forum for Ethics and Social Responsibility, Tel Aviv University, June 22, 1995.
Proposals and Grant Awards
“Seeking to Understand Each Other’s Discourse”, proposal submitted to Konrad Adenauer Foundation in 2/2000 for running of experimental joint seminar with
faculty and students from Bethlehem University, in conjunction with Project for Arab-Jewish Dialogue/Program in Conflict Resolution.
Program began on September 24, 2000.
Project allocation of 250,000 NIS granted.
International Conference on “Religion and Conflict Resolution” proposal submitted to and approved by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in 12/2001 for running of international conference by Program in Conflict Management at Bar-Ilan University as academic organizer in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung , May 27-28, 2002.
Project allocation: $16, 450.
International Conference on the “Legacy of the German-Jewish Religious and Cultural Heritage as a Basis for German-Israeli Dialogue” within framework of 40th year of German-Israeli Relations. Proposal submitted on behalf of Program in
Conflict Management to Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in 12/2004. Approval granted for running of conference as academic organizer on June 1, 2005 and conference proceedings publication.
Project allocation. $19, 460
International Workshop on “Intercivilizational Conflict: Can it be Moderated?”
Proposal submitted to and approved by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in 11/2006 for running of international workshop by Program in Conflict Management in cooperation with Burg/UNESCO Chair for Peace Education at Bar-Ilan University as academic organizer on June 11-12, 2007 and conference proceedings publication.
Project allocation: $25, 200
Conference on Theme: “Diversity within Unity: A Federalist Vision Based on the Idea of ‘Brit’” in connection with Rabin Memorial Day, proposal submitted and approved by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in March 2008 for running of conference in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung by Project for the Study of Religion, Culture and Peace in cooperation with Program in Conflict Management, the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences and the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, on November 11, 2008.
Project allocation: $12,550
International Conference on Theme: “The German-Jewish Heritage: A Basis for Conflict Management”, proposal submitted and approved by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in May 2008 for running of conference in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung by Project for the Study of Religion, Culture and Peace in cooperation with Program in Conflict Management and the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences .
Project allocation: $25,000
“Navigating Inter-religious Dialogue based on the German-Jewish Heritage”, Academic Coordinator of Research Proposal prepared and submitted to Israel Science Foundation (with Ephraim Meir, Primary Investigator and Chaim Lavie). Grade of “Very Good” received in July 2010, Proposal Re-submitted in November 2010.
Research Supervision
M.A. Thesis Advisor for Work on intercultural relations in Jerusalem, Program in Conflict Management Bar-Ilan University, 2004 to present.
Guest Lecturing in Conflict Management
“Religious Diplomacy in the Middle East” at Dialogue Insititute of Temple University, Philadelphia, February 21-22, 2010.
Scholar in Residence on Behalf of American Friends of Bar-Ilan University, Hebrew Institute of White Plains, White Plains, New York. Presentations on topics: Civilizations in Conflict: Islam and Judaism is a Bridge Possible?; Conflict Management and Intercultural Dialogue in Israel. February 12-13, 2010.
Served as consultant and organizer of major Inter-religious forum, December 21, 2009 for training in approaches to conflict management at request of Inter-religious division of Israeli Foreign Ministry and Chief Rabbinate involving 200 local Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze religious leaders.
Invited and participated as Discussant at International Symposium on “Religions and International Relations: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Institute for the Study of International Relations, Trento, Italy, October 21-23, 2009.
“Inter-religious Approaches to Bridging the Arab-Israeli Conflict” at Department of Judaic and Near Eastern Studies at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, February 19, 2009.
Invited and participated as Discussant to International Colloquium on Religion and Diplomacy, held in cooperation with the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination, Princeton University and the Austrian Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, Austria, July 11-14, 2008.
Lecture to “Israeli Palestinian Negotiating Partners” on theme: “Israeli-Palestinian Inter-religious Dialogue and Implications for Negotiation”. Lecture given in cooperation with Dr. Walid Mustafa, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Bethlehem University, April 10, 2008, Jerusalem.
Lecture at Forum at home of Israeli Ambassador to Bangkok and at Assumption University, Bangkok under auspices of Israeli embassy in Thailand on Intercultural and Inter-religious Dimensions of Israeli-Arab Peacebuilding, January 11, 2008.
Lecture to Academic Workshop sponsored by University of Potsdam in conjunction with project proposal which was requested by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation: “Approaches to German-Israeli cultural dialogue through structured internet (CMC) interactions”, Jerusalem, October 17-18, 2007.
Lectures on Conflict Management and Intercultural Communication to Foreign Attache’ Unit of the Israel Defenses Forces in the framework of the Conflict Management and Negotiation Program, December 2006 and December 2005.
Series of guest lectures and academic course coordinator on religion, Judaism and conflict management for special academic course in Religion and Conflict
Management in Program in Conflict Management and Mediation, Tel Aviv University, Spring 2005.
Scholarly Evaluations of Other Academic Works
Served as reader for Ph.D. dissertation in Department of International Relations at
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Statesmen, Theoreticians, and Idealogues: The Theoretic Construction of Democracy in the American Foreign Policy During the Cold War and After”, under direction of Professor Emanuel Adler, June 2003.
Served as critical reviewer for Praeger Greenwood Press for book manuscript
Political Theory and International Relations, edited by Dr. Tony Lang on behalf of
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, April 2004.
Served as reviewer for manuscript submission to Journal of Intercultural Studies
based on expertise in culture and Israeli-Palestinian dialogue, April 2005.
Served as reviewer for manucript submission to Comparative Political Studies, based on expertise in Israeli society and conflict management, November 2009.
International relations, realism, conflict resolution from inter-cultual and inter-religious perspectives
Conflict resolution methods in the Israeli society
Refereed Publications
Israel at the Polls ’99, co-editor with Daniel J. Elazar, Frank Cass and Co.,
London, 2001. 333pp.
Power and Transcendence: Hans J. Morgenthau and the Jewish Experience. Lexington Books, Lanham, Maryland, 2002. 241pp.
Israel at the Polls 2003, co-editor with Shmuel Sandler and Jonathan Rynhold, Taylor and Francis, London, 2005. 289pp.
“Jewry’s Prophetic Challenge to Soviet and Other Totalitarian Regimes according to Hans J. Morgenthau, “Journal of Church and State, Summer 1997, Volume 39, No. 3, pp. 561-575.
“Power and Spirituality in the Thought of Hans J. Morgenthau”, Jewish Political Studies Review, Spring 1998, Volume X, Nos. 1-2, pp. 95-114.
“The Jewish Experience as an Influence on Hans J. Morgenthau’s Realism”, Jewish Political Studies Review, Spring 2000, Nos. 1 & 2, pp.113-140.
“Responsible Power, Irresponsible Power: Vietnam and Israel According to Hans J. Morgenthau”, Israel Affairs, Autumn 2000, Volume 7, No. 1, pp. 25-48.
“Elections 1999: The Interplay between Character, Political Culture and Centrism”, (with Daniel J. Elazar), in special issue of Israel Affairs, Winter 2000, pp. 1-17.
“A New Look at the Classical Realism of the Twentieth Century” [Hebrew] in Politika, December 2000, pp.95-104.
“Culture, Dialogue and Perception Change in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, (with Chaim Lavie), The International Journal of Conflict Management, Winter 2001, Volume 12, No. 1, pp.69-87.
“Israel at the Polls 2003: A New Turning Point in the Political History of the Jewish State?”, (with Shmuel Sandler), in special issue of Israel Affairs, Summer 2004, Volume 10, No 4, pp.1-19.
“Federalism and Multiculturalism as a Vehicle for Perception Change in Israeli-Jewish Society”, (with Zev Kalifon and Gerald Steinberg), The International Journal of Conflict Management, Spring 2004,Volume 15, No.2, pp. 144-166.
“Daniel J. Elazar: Federalism, Brit, and Implications for Israeli Society,” Jewish Political Studies Review, Spring 2007, Nos. 1 & 2, pp.135-145.
“An Integrated Framework for Peacebuilding: Jewish Approaches”, (with Ephraim Meir and Chaim Lavie), Friedens-Warte – Journal of International Peace and Organization, Volume 82, Issues 2-3, 2007, pp.137-158.
“Approaches to Intercivilizational Dialogue: Judaic Perspectives”, The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Volume 4, Number 3, 2008 (based on paper presented at University of Terengganu, Malaysia at International Conference on Global Sustainability, Jan.4-7, 2008), pp. pp.37-43.
“Federalism, Multiculturalism and Intercultural Dialogue for Conflict Management in Israeli Society”, Israel Journal of Conflict Management, Volume 1, No. 1, (Spring 2009), pp.103-121.
* “Navigating Inter-religious Dialogue based on the German-Jewish Heritage” (with Ephraim Meir and Chaim Lavie), Grade of “Very Good” for Proposal Submitted to Israel Science Foundation, November 2009. (* See elaboration in Proposals and Grants Awards Section).
“Towards an Integrated Strategy for Intercultural Dialog: Computer Mediated and Face to Face” (with David Schwartz), Journal of Intercultural Relations Research, (2010) 39:3, 207-224.
Chapters in Books:
“Arab and Jewish Women’s Inter-religious Dialogue Evaluated”, (with Chaim Lavie) in Yaacov Iram (Ed.) Educating Towards a Culture of Peace, Information Age Publishing Inc., 2006, pp.247-258.
“Daniel Elazar’s Approach to Federalism as Based on the Idea of ‘Brit’”, in Proceedings of World Congress of Jewish Studies of Fourteenth Annual Conference, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, (Volume II, 2009).
“Daniel J. Elazar’s Federalist Approach as a Basis for Conflict Resolution in Israeli Society”, [Hebrew] with Zev Kalifon. Festschrift Volume in Memory of Daniel J. Elazar. Moshe Hellinger, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, Volume, II, 2010)
“Inter-religious Dialogue and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: An Empirical View”in
M. Laskier & Y. Levy (Eds.) Judaism and Islam in Medieval and Modern
Times, Gainesville: University of Florida Press (forthcoming).
Works in Progress:
“Contact, Gender, and Arab-Jewish Inter-religious Dialogue Evaluated” (with Dr. Chaim Lavie).
- -The Legacy of Daniel J. Elazar and Implications for Conflict Management in Israeli Society: A Controlled Study (with Dr. Zev Kalifon)
-The Potential of Computer-Mediated Communication For Facilitating Flux in the Polarization and Depolarization of Political Discourse (with Prof. Ken Hacker, Dr. Michael Coombs and Dr. Christopher Weaver, from New Mexico State University).
Conference Proceedings Volumes:
Academic Editor --International Conference on Religion and Conflict Resolution, May 27-28, 2002 organized in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Also Chapter Contributor: “Micro and Macro Aspects of Israeli-Palestinian Intercultural Dialogue.” Published, 2003.
Academic Editor--International Conference on the Legacy of the German-Jewish Religious and Cultural Heritage: A Basis for German-Israeli Dialogue? June 1, 2005 organized in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Also Chapter Contributor: “The Tragedy of German-Jewish Liberalism and Political Realism.” Published, 2006.
Special Guest Editor of Israel Journal of Conflict Resolution (refereed), carrying proceedings of International Workshop on Intercivilizational Conflict Can it be Moderated? Organized on behalf of Program in Conflict Management in cooperation with Burg/UNESCO Chair for Peace Education and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, June 11-12, 2007. Volume 1, No. 1, Spring, 2009.
“Religious Diplomacy: Jewish Perspectives”. In Quarterly of Institute of International Relations (Italian Institute for the Study of International Politics), April 2010, pp.69-83.
“Managing Conflict: Can Religion Succeed Where Politics Has Failed? An Israeli Addresses a Global Peace Forum in Malaysia.” Jerusalem Viewpoints, November 1, 2006. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem, pp.1-7.
“European Integration: A Jewish Perspective.” In Religion and European Integration, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Sarejevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, 2006.
Last Updated Date : 25/06/2023